- Completed Application for each applicant over the age of 18.
- Copy of Driver’s License / Identification Card for each applicant.
- Copy of last two paystubs or last two bank statements and last two tax returns if self-employed.
- There is a NON-REFUNDABLE $60 Application Fee (per applicant over the age of 18) associated with this online application form. Each applicant’s credit card will be billed upon completion of the online application form.
- *Application process will not start until Driver’s License/ ID and last 2 check stubs are received and all other applicants applications have been completed. Documentation can be emailed to: info@huntahome.com or faxed to: 214.279.3500
- $195 Admin Fee for new move-ins
IMPORTANT: Once the primary applicant’s information has been processed and approved, an email will be sent to all other persons who will be living at the address (spouse, roommate, etc.) a different email must be used for each applicant.
- Combined, Average Credit Scores at/above 600 will require a security deposit equal to one month’s rent.
- Combined, Average Credit Scores from 575-599 will require a security deposit equal to one and a quarter month’s rent.
- Combined, Average Credit Scores from 550-574 will require a security deposit equal to one and a half month’s rent.
- Combined, Average Credit Scores from 525-550 will require a security deposit equal to two times one month’s rent.
- Combined, Average Credit Scores below 525 will be declined, no exceptions.
Combined household income MUST be 3 times the base rent. Social Security, Disability Income, and Retirement will be considered with proof of income.
Please direct all inquiries to:
Email: info@huntahome.com
Phone: 214.866.0050 ext. 2
Background Check/Previous Landlord History
- Evictions within the last 3 years are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Bankruptcies/Foreclosures within the last two years will be considered but are subject to an additional security deposit.
- Any sexual assault convictions/charges are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Any Felony convictions/charges are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Any drug related charges are grounds for denial.
- Multiple convictions for any Misdemeanors are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Multiple Late payments with previous/current landlord/s are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Any balance owed to previous landlord/s must be satisfied prior to approval. A letter from previous landlord must be submitted to management stating balance has been paid.
- Mortgages not current are grounds for denial of lease application.
- Any delinquent child support payments are grounds for denial.
- Delinquent student loans are grounds for denial.
- Any derogatory information found outside of normal background/credit screening may cause for denial at landlord’s discretion.
- Any false information give on application is automatic grounds for denial.